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501st Newsletter Issue #40

Publisher: CX-X Canik
May 8th, 2020


Editor's Note:

    Hello everyone, and thank you for reading the 501st Newsletter, Issue #40! Recently, we posted an announcement for a recruitment drive in the Official 501st Discord, and within that announcement, a statement was made regarding the status of the 501st News Team. We have been made aware of some comments regarding our content quality and publication consistency. We sat down and had a team meeting, and I want to let you, the readers, know that we hear you. We're always watching...


    As such, we are undergoing some major changes in our journalist methods, and increasing our efforts to bring you guys better content. As for the consistency of publications, that is entirely on me, CX-X Canik. We will be maintaining more strict deadlines in order to bring our content to you in a timely fashion. We want to thank you readers for your continued loyalty in reading our content, regardless of what and when we post. Thank you!


    Make sure to keep your eyes out for a few articles in the near future, including a more in depth look into the Acklay expansion, as well as the Krayt ARC Program!





This month's raffle has a bit of a twist. There was a total of 20 stickers, 4 copies of Jedi Fallen Order, and the book Star Wars: Complete Locations given away this month during our most recent raffle. But that's not the twist. The twist to this raffle is that all 20 of the stickers, 1 of the Fallen Order copies, and the Star Wars book were all donated by CX-W Prof! On top of this, this individual also donated a sticker to each member of Battalion, Avalanche Company HQ, Acklay Company HQ, Zeta Company HQ, and the CO and XO of each Platoon (Acklay and Avalanche)! His reasoning for this generous donation (sticker prices add up!) is "because during times like these, a community this helpful and fun is great to have, and I am honored to know I am a part of it!"


The list is long.


The Sticker Winners are:                  

CT Scavenger CT Ritter CT Nuclear CX-X Zoro CS Tee
CT Hook CP Grandpa CT Diverge CM Soviet CT Sticks
CT Maelstrom CT Sour CP Seejers CT Pigeon CP Black
CT Connor CP Needles CR-C Castle CP Guide CW-O Super


The Jedi Fallen Order Winners and the Star Wars: Complete Locations book Winner are:

CT Goddest CX-X Alex
CT Versa CX-X Ethan

CX-C Halligan


In the last part of this topic, the following individuals all received a sticker as a thank you from CX-W Prof: BC Jay, CS-M Odin, CS-M Shade, CI-S Power, CC Cruisie, CC Euler, CC Player, CC Crisis, CI-S Purdy, CW-M Archon, CC Fancy (donated his to Vt. CT Weaver), CC Point, CS Hoodoo, CS-M Pompano, CS Bjorn, CC Andromeda, CS-M Drammon, CS-M Drifter, CS-M Sam, CC Lava, CS-M Jan, CS Nobear, CS-M Ricochet, CS Grinch, CC Delta, CS Zulu, CX Scuba, CX-P Casskun.







Per CC Crisis: New Server Restart Times!



    "Good afternoon all. In our continued mission to increase server performance, we have discovered a recent issue with an Arma update and our box. I won't bore you with the details, but in short it is due to a recent Arma update. There have been duplicated instances of Arma appearing on our server box. These extra instances are creating a hamper on server box performance. From what we have found these occur over the course of the day and disappear with a restart of the server box. We have an automatic box restart each day around 4 am EST, but this is not enough. To provide the best opportunity for server performance we will be doing a server box restart on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before Operations and FTXs begin.

    Here are the times the server box will restart on those days:

Friday: 5 PM EST

Saturday: 3 PM EST

Sunday: 2 PM EST


    These times have been decided by trying to balance everything that happens with our schedule and the 101st (they share our box). These times have been placed at points where some trainings or events would be ending and others starting. If you have a training that starts at this time you will need to adjust slightly. The restart should only take 15 minutes, so it will not delay your training much. As for fun ops just be aware of this to try and complete your fun ops by these times or else the server will just lose connection while it is being restarted. We understand this may cause a slight inconvenience for some, but it is to assist with creating Operations and FTXs with the best performance possible. Have a nice day.





"For the planet of Rugosa, due to the great courage, valor, and sometimes bullheaded nature of Avalanche 4-1, they have been awarded the Planetary Ribbon. After their daring joust with death during the initial deployment onto the planet, Avalanche 4-1 dove head first into a minefield of their own creation to delay enemy troop advancements. As if that were not death defying enough, they then pursued the enemy into their own ship, and ripped the controls from their cold, dead, oily hands, ultimately claiming it for the 501st."




"On the planet of Nawan, the 501st felt the hand of a droid tactician who lured the platoons into a dangerous ambush with tactics that brutalized those who foolishly fell into his trap. During the onslaught, the droid artillery rained down, and one squad stood tall and continued to show the droids what we clones are made of. Avalanche 2-2 stood on the droid's doorstep, and no matter the hellfire from the sky, nor the demon MTT that attacked from their rear, they held the line in the sand that they drew so that the rest of the platoon could fall back and regroup."




"On the planet of Vohai, key clone genetic material was in jeopardy of falling into the hands of the CIS, and Avalanche 3-4 rose to the occasion to defend all clones from future attacks. Not only pushing through dense forested coastline, and combating overwhelming odds to find a hidden supply depot, they have shown extreme perseverance and resilience to hardships throughout the campaign. The squad's determined nature and unwillingness to allow future battles to fail before they even start has surely saved all of the 501st from the evil plans of the CIS scientists on this day!"




"Upon initial contact of D'Qar, the 501st quickly realized the CIS defenses were more well established than previously thought. Along with this, we learned about the CIS capturing and enslaving the local populace. Avalanche 2 was able to locate the remaining planetary locals along with their King, only to have a bombing campaign begin, with the intent to wipe them off the face of the planet. Avalanahce 2-3 was able to hold the line, with several witnesses saying that not only were the bombs raining down, but the carcasses of the victims of that squad rained down, ensuring the droid commanders never again underestimated them on the field of battle."








Story Writers:  “Currently we have developed a second branch of Story Writers. They are going to be working behind the scenes to make things more interesting. We have a lot of projects in the works and are currently planning for a big end to the "Test Sector". We have been working with Acklay and the Campaign Leadership in order to do a more involved Intel gathering phase to the Planets. All is going well and we are continuing the grind. FILL OUT THE STORY REVIEW FORM as it helps us know what to do to get better, It can be found within TFAR, the Story Writers Channel, and lastly my Office.”  - CS Bjorn



Document Maintenance Committee: The Document Maintenance Committee has been reorganized in order to ensure that public unit-wide documents are kept up to date in a timely fashion. These sort of documents include the 501st Unit Rules (Revised), Gear and Uniform Guides, Rank Requirements (both versions), and other various public documents that are not specifically designated to another C Shop. As such, they are in need of a few positions filled, including Assistant Committee Lead, Proofreader, and Distribution Overseer. Another aspect of the shop is to make sure the document links are updated within the various teamspeak channels they are located in. If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, please send a message to CP Clock for further information.



Event Management: The Event Management C Shop put out a vote for the Flavor of the Month for June 2020, and while it has not officially been announced, the votes seem to indicate that the majority want a Vietnam Theme. The Flavor of the Month is the style of Arma gameplay that one of our dedicated servers is oriented around, using various mods for different eras. On top of determining the FotM, the Event Management C Shop also helps assist event creators in promoting the event, and can help schedule events so they do not overlap each other, allowing everyone to participate in multiple events are they come along. Message CP Pro for further information regarding Event Management if you are interested!






  “Work Smarter, Not Harder.” - BC Jay




Avalanche HQNewAva

News: Company Leadership will be testing out more gear restrictions this week in order to create more challenging gameplay and to help limit the strain on the servers. Additionally, all of Avalanche is on FTX this weekend.

No Promotions

"Avalanche Company has no comment to the news team about the relationship between Platoon Sergeant Drammon and Platoon Sergeant Bjorn, however we are currently investigating reports that we have received regarding the issue." - CC Player




Acklay HQNKC850c

News: As of 5/5/2020, a Company-wide Phase requal was ordered. The exemption to this is Phase Maroon. All Blues are being kept earned from phase gold though, regardless of the requal order. The order was initiated due to major Phase Reworks as well as encourage members to cycle new information to all Acklay members. All Acklay members are expected to requalify their Phase Trainings within the next few months.

No Promotions

A Phase a day keeps the CIS at bay! - CC Lava




News: Zeta Company is working their best to provide the unit with Active members to keep squads moving and filling positions across the battalion.

Promotions: Fancy (CS-M to 2nd LT (CC), Broad (CW-2 to CW-3), Ripjaw (CW-1 to CW-2), Super (CW to CW-1), Griggs (CR-C to CT), Diver (CR-C to CT), Dutch (CR-C to CT), Klinger (CR-C to CT), Staho (CR-C to CT), Gladiator (CR-C to CT), Lasse (CR-C to CT), Rushmore (CR-C to CT), Vegas (CR-C to CT), Claymur (CR-C to CT), Druid (CR-C to CT), Graze (CR-C to CT), Thanorlin (CR-C to CT), Weapon (CR-C to CT).

“Working with Fancy is like looking both way to cross a street and getting hit by a plane” - CW-S Broad







Avalanche 1 New1st

Recruitment: 1-2 has 1 Trooper Slot Open, and 1-3 has 1 Trooper Slot Open

Promotions: Strill (Sr. CP to CS), Klown (CP to Sr. CP), Goose (CT to Sr. CT), Tee (Sr. CP to CS), Texas (CR-C to CT), Swanny (CP to Sr. CP), Napkin (CT to Sr. CT), Legia (CS-M to Vt. CT), 

“Hope everybody is keeping safe and staying healthy!” - CC Point




Avalanche 2New2ND

Recruitment: 2-1 has 1 Medic and 1 Trooper Slot Open, 2-2 has 1 Medic Slot Open, 2-3 has 1 Trooper Slot Open, 2-4 has 3 Trooper Slots Open.

Promotions: Pheonix (Sr. CT to Vt. CT), Oktapius (Sr. CT to Vt. CT), Scruff (Sr. CT to Vt. CT), Parrot (CP to CS), Parker (CT to Sr. CT).

“Cor is now a Cor-poral, Bjorn ate too many Crayons (again), and TCW released a beta mod. Interesting past few weeks. Also, the quote below 3rd Platoon is wrong” - CS-M Pompano




Avalanche 3New3rd

Recruitment: 3-1 has 1 Trooper Slot Open, 3-2 has 1 Marksman and 1 Trooper Slot Open, and 3-4 has 1 Trooper and 1 Medic Slot Open.

Promotions: Popeye (CT to Sr. CT)

"Lava is a nerd.” - CC Andromeda





Avalanche 4New4th

Recruitment: 4-1 has 1 Trooper Slot Open, and 4-3 has 1 Medic Slot Open.

Promotions: Garviel (CP to CS), Dalton (CR-C to CT), Fennec (CT to Sr. CT).

“RTO's killin the game, 4th platoon always ready to destroy the clankers” - CI-P Buggs




Acklay 1NKC850c

Recruitment: N/A

Promotions: Bork (CR-C to CT), Poseidan (Sr. CT to Vt. CT).

"Recon is complete. Got some training to catch up on!" - CC Lava



Acklay 2NKC850c

Recruitment: N/A

Promotions: Scard (CP to Sr. CP).

"Stay safe everyone" - CS-M Ricochet









News: ITA has closed for this cycle, but keep your eyes open for the next announcement. In the meantime, feel free to attend any voluntary flight training hosted by members of Razor if you are interested in honing your flying abilities!

Promotions: Frisk (Ensign to Sr. Ensign), Legal (Sr. Cadet to Ensign), Hungarian (Ensign to Sr. Ensign), Zoro (Sr. Cadet to Ensign), Church (Sr. Cadet to Ensign), Rive (Sr. Petty Officer to Vt. Petty Officer)






News: Mynock recently underwent some changes, including some much needed discord channels.

Promotions: Vanilla (CR-C to CT).

Delta (CS-M to 2nd LT (CC)), Misha (CT to Sr. CT), Seejers (Sr. CT to CP), Scrungo (CT to Sr. CT)

“Please congratulate Zulu on managing to delete every Mynock channel in record time” - CC Delta









501st News Team opinion doesn’t reflect the opinions of the entire community. If you’d like to help the news team bring in new information, you can by signing up for the news team, submitting an article, posting a piece of media or getting publicity for a custom event you’re hosting. For those interested, please contact either CX-X Canik, CT Momentum, or one of the editors for more information. Your voice matters, let it be heard. We’re currently looking for writers to collect stories, media and content. Feel free to leave comments  below on what you think.  Also please consider donating to the 501st to help pay for server costs and help keep this community alive and well maintained.


Publisher: CX-X Canik
Assistant Publisher: CT Momentum

Chief Newsletter Correspondent: CX-X Canik
Correspondents: CM Sunshine, CW Super
Graphic Designers (Headers, BARC, etc): CS Jupiter, CT Dragon

This news item is from 501st Legion