Custom Skins

CX-X Namenai, Sun Jul 09 2017, 07:17AM

So im pretty sure ALOT of people like me are interested in having custom skins for armor/vehicles/weapons(dont know how that one will work)/platoon/squads and such. But theres one problem,how do you make a custom skin and get it in the mod? If some of the people who know how to make customs skins could share how to do so in this thread that would 1) be great, 2) relieve some pressure on the few who know how to skin and the developers so that they dont get swarmed with skin requests and 3) help the mod develop further.

Now im by no means an Art major(im a computer science major,sophomore year), but im sure myself and others would like to have a stab at making custom skins.So im implying that if alot of people know how to make skins,we can then have a community vote every month or so,say at the townhall meeting or something, so that its kinda like a "survival of the best" skin and then pass it on to the devs and see if they like it. If they like the skin then Bam Boom Boop they can implement the skin so that we can have it in the game, the devs will have to work just that little bit less and can focus on making more great content(*cough* AT-TE, space battles, capital ship battles,GUNS(or ahhhh laser rifles?) *cough*), and everyone gets/sees shiny new 8k res skins( or 4k,or 1080p, idk whats the best resolution). This would also be a good way to start to help the community,cause its something easy,something that everyone will enjoy, and will help the mod grow.

So if the people who know how to make skins could say so how to make skins or anyone who has already made some skins and would like to share and reply below that would be dank(that means good, #millennials, #collegelife).
Re: Custom Skins
CR-C Stonebull, Thu Jul 13 2017, 07:25AM

Although it would be extremely cool to be able to customize our helmets i think it would be really hard to keep people from looking like officers or having like inappropriate things drawn on their armor , the main thing im tryin to say is that for the majority of the clone wars , you dont really see too many unique clones that is to say the grunts at least.
Re: Custom Skins
CX-X Namenai, Thu Jul 13 2017, 07:03PM

Well what I mean is custom skins for platoon/squad units, like harbinger 1-1 painted on or something

Also someone had mentioned that for people who donate they should get like a small custom skin, like a sticker on their gun that says "I donated to the republic" or how commander Rex has his jaig eyes on is helmet,but instead maybe a small symbol that represents you donated. How the devs would implement stuff like that idk but it is a possibility.

Then theres custom skins for each LAAT/tanks(if we ever do the,please make it happen) like there is irl

Maybe custom armor for commanders cause AFIK they dont have any,and by this i mean Jay,Bondo and stuff like that.

Camo skins maybe?

We cant really do individual unless they devs or someone can figure our a better way to impliment things like CT number or stuff like Rex's jaig eyes, but if we could well......why not if the mod/game/servers can handle it